
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Furniture Needed

Hi Everyone!!

As most of you know by now, Wil and I are moving into an apartment together on June 1st. As excited as I am to take this next big step with him, I am even more excited to start decorating!! (ha ha, juuuust kidding... sort of) ;-)

I thought this was a good place to start and see if anyone could help us with two items we need:

1) Black kitchen chairs (preferably 4, but 2 will suffice)
2) A queen sized metal bed frame. The bedroom is small so I don't want the bed frame to be too overpowering.

If any of you have these items tucked away in an attic collecting dust balls and cob webs, Wil and I would be more than happy to take them off your hands! ;-)

Thank you!!

Love, Lauren

Thursday, April 1, 2010


dont know if you all have seen this...

but this company Groupon (parent company is based in Chicago. Small start up doing big things.

the idea is that companies in different cities offer GREAT deals everyday, and this is a way for those deals to go viral and be shared.

here is the link for Boston. i get a daily update for deals in Chicago. everything from teeth whitening discounts, to top eatery deals...i would recommend signing up!
